VaserLipo 2.2 Liposuction System 2019


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VaserLipo 2.2 Liposuction System uses advanced ultrasound technology for precise, minimally invasive fat removal. It offers faster recovery, improved skin retraction, and high-quality fat grafting, making it ideal for body contouring and fat sculpting.

VaserLipo 2.2 Liposuction System 2019

Vaser Lipo 2.2 Liposuction System: Advanced Power-Assisted Liposuction for Optimal Results

The PowerX System is a high-performance, power-assisted liposuction device designed for speed and precision. Equipped with a rotating cannula that adjusts based on pre-set angle and speed, it enables physicians to efficiently remove fat tissue around the entire cannula, not just at specific points. This method improves fat removal and ensures a smoother, more consistent result.

VaserLipo 2.2 Liposuction System 2019

PowerX Console: Precision Control for Superior Performance

The PowerX Console is a compact yet powerful unit that allows precise control over the cannula’s rotation angle (90º, 180º, 360º, and 720º) and speed (100, 180, 260, 340, and 420 rpm). It also features a built-in time recorder to track each procedure’s activation time.

PowerX Handpiece: Ergonomic and Efficient

The PowerX Handpiece is designed with comfort and precision in mind.

VentX Liposuction System: Unmatched Precision in Liposuction Technology

The VentX Console is a cutting-edge infiltration and aspiration unit, providing superior control over the body sculpting process. When combined with VASERlipo, it forms an all-in-one platform for infusion, emulsification, and aspiration, optimized for optimal fat removal and body sculpting results.

With the VentX Console, you can:

  • Easily control infiltration speed and direction, with adjustable settings for both slower and faster fluid dispersal. This allows for greater comfort during wide-awake procedures.
  • Track infiltrate volume precisely with the Precision Fluid Management™ System, allowing you to monitor volumes up to 4,570 mL.
  • Adjust suction pressure with precision to ensure fat cell viability for subsequent fat grafting procedures. The fine-adjustment valve ensures that the suction pressure is just right.
  • Reduce operational noise, creating a quieter environment ideal for in-office procedures.
  • Connect seamlessly with FDA-cleared fat harvesting accessories for optimized fat collection.

VASERlipo Technology: Minimally Invasive Liposuction with Powerful Results

Why Choose VASERlipo for Your Practice?

VASERlipo is a game-changer for plastic surgeons, offering the versatility to perform a wide range of body contouring procedures. Here’s how VASER can transform your practice:

  • Minimally invasive with fast recovery for patients.
  • Preserves connective tissue and maintains fat cell viability, making it ideal for fat grafting.
  • Clinically proven to enhance skin retraction and reduce blood loss.
  • Versatile with a variety of probes and cannulas for treating all areas of the body.
  • Convenient for in-office surgeries or outpatient procedures at surgery centers or hospitals.

Benefits of the Vaser Lipo 2.2 Liposuction System

The Vaser Lipo 2.2 Liposuction System is an advanced, state-of-the-art solution that maximizes fat extraction without compromising patient comfort or safety.

Key Benefits:

  • Precise fat emulsification for smoother, more efficient fat removal.
  • Reduced aspiration time for quicker procedures.
  • Improved patient comfort with minimal downtime.
  • Ideal for fat grafting procedures due to preserved fat quality.

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