The Best Hair Removal
The Best Hair Removal performing, top-scoring at-home IPL devices from my tests. There’s something for all skin tones, budgets and body areas.
Quanta Systems Forte IPL And Diode System
Hair Removal Quanta Systems Forte IPL and Diode system. Adaptive Pulse Control (APC) technology is an advanced IPL pulse control system that automatically selects the best treatment configuration.
For each treatment required, this feature adjusts to the right pulse sequence and amount of energy needed to ensure that all treatments are safe and effective.
The Forte combines the state-of-art APC technology with powerful contact skin cooling and sapphire waveguide making it able to perform comfortable and effective treatments on all skin conditions. The configurable Forte design, means it is able to deliver a range of treatments, including: Hair removal Pigmented Lesions Vascular Lesions Inflammatory Acne Wrinkles Scars.
Quanta Systems Forte IPL and Diode system
Quanta is regarded as the industries gold standard for effective medical, oral, and aesthetic procedures. With a comprehensive portfolio of modern cosmetic lasers, powerful IPL Technology. Pioneering the PicoSecond technology, and integrating exclusive software/hardware into their latest lasers. It’s no surprise why several clinicians choose Quanta lasers for their busy practices.
The Quanta Forte is one of a kind and an entirely new device offering several unique benefits for you and your clients. Combining the high-speed diode, intense cooling action (pain from hair removal is virtually nonexistent), plus IPL, and the ability to implement Nd: YAG and Erbium lasers will indefinitely further your range of treatment options.
Product Specifications:
- MFG: Quanta Systems.
- MODEL: Quanta Forte IPL and Diode system~ Diode hair removal ~ Vascular Lesions.
- Includes: Quanta Forte base unit, Key, Power cord, Drain/Fill kit, Manual, Eye wear Laser warning sign.
- Hand Pieces: 808 Diode, LP-LV 535
- Treatment: Diode Hair removal, Pigmented and vascular Lessions, Brown spots, Photofacial.
- Complete accessories
- Quanta Forte base unit
- Key, Power cord
- Drain/Fill kit
- Eyewear
- Laser warning sign
- Hand Pieces: 808 Diode and LP-LV 535
- Operators Manual
- Treatment Guide