Intraoral Scanner
Dental and dental speciality practices of all sizes can benefit from adding an intraoral scanner to their workflow, including:
- Better accuracy: Digital intraoral scans are far more accurate than traditional impressions and require no remakes due to bubbles, distortion and other defects common with plaster molds.
- Enhanced diagnoses: Better accuracy means you can make more efficient and reliable diagnoses. You and your patients can view their conditions in “real time,” with an improved understanding of your findings and treatment recommendations.
- Faster turnaround time: Digital impressions may be instantly sent to a dental or orthodontic lab, or shared with a 3D printer or milling machine for faster restorations and other output. The end result is often a quicker turnaround time for both you and your patients.
- Enhanced practice efficiency: You and your staff will appreciate the efficiencies gained with dental 3D scanning. No more preparing, mixing and taking traditional impressions, waiting for them to set, cleaning up the mess and disinfecting the impression trays and other components. Sterilizing intraoral scanners is simple; some scanners have autoclavable tips while others can be covered with a sterile plastic sleeve.
- Less storage: Digital files eliminate the practice space required for storing traditional molds. Use that space for more productive tasks instead!
- Eliminates waste: Intraoral scanners do not create any hazardous waste, which is good for your practice and great for the environment.
- Works with CBCT systems: Intraoral scans can “fill the gaps” inherent with dental CBCT systems, which do not provide adequate detail of tooth surfaces in order to create restorations, prosthetics, and other treatments. Modern 3D imaging software can merge the DICOM data from CBCT scans and the STL files from introaral scanners to help you plan treatment from start to finish.
Not only do dentists and dental specialists benefit from intraoral scanners, but patients do, too. Benefits to patients include:
- Less messy: One of the most significant benefits to patients is the elimination of sticky, gooey, and awful-tasting traditional impressions, not to mention the discomfort and gagging they cause. No patient enjoys that!
- Less remakes: Because intraoral scans are much more accurate than plaster molds and are void of typical defects, your patients will appreciate not having to endure the traditional impression process over and over again.
- Faster: Patients will also appreciate the time savings gained by using dental 3D scanners. Not only does the scanning process take less time, but patients don’t have to sit around and wait while your staff mixes up the plaster, inserts the trays, checks for the plaster material to harden, then cleans up the mess.
- Better communication: True-color 3D scans can help patients better visualize their dental conditions as well as your treatment recommendations, often resulting in improved treatment acceptance and healthier and happier patients.
- Improved trust: Once patients can view their images and the advanced technology intraoral scanning can bring to your practice, they can’t help but be impressed. This can lead to enhanced patient trust, improved patient referrals, and more favorable treatment completion rates.
- Safe from radiation: Your patients will be happy to learn that unlike dental X-rays, dental 3D scanners do not omit radiation.