Deka Smartxide

deka smartxide

Deka SmartXide 2 Technological

Powerful technology in a streamlined system, the SmartXide DOT can deliver more ablative power to tissue, over 200 watts, than other lasers. The latest innovations in laser design and control systems lead to SmartPulse control of the treatment. The adjustable high-power short-duration pulse to get to your desired ablation depth, coupled with the adjustable-duration low-power pulse to get the amount of thermal energy desired makes SmartXide DOT the most technically advanced fractional CO2 system available.


Deka Smartxide 2 HI-SCAN DOT Fractional CO2 Quality:


A lightweight compact package, only 60 lbs, a precision touch controlled scanner, titanium-alloy articulated arm, a state-of-the-art pulsed laser source and a treatment driven touch screen control panel demonstrate quality, and experience of the worlds premier developer and manufacturer of medical CO2 lasers.

SmartXide 2 , with V2 LR configuration, offers the latest breakthrough laser treatment for vulvo-vaginal problems (MonaLisa Touch®) and cosmetic/ functional female genital surgery. These safe and minimally invasive procedures present a new alternative to: • pharmacological therapy for post-menopause or postpartum atrophy of genital mucosa;

  • surgical treatment of vaginal laxity;
  • pharmacological analgesic therapy for dyspareunia due to postpartum perineal trauma;
  • annoying or invasive treatments for urinary incontinence;
  • traditional plastic surgery for correction of vulvo-vaginal morphological alterations due to hereditary factors, pregnancy or natural ageing.

Deka Smartxide 2 HI-SCAN DOT Fractional CO2:

  • 3 Scanning methods (Normal, Interlaced, SmartTrack).
  • 5 Deka Smartxide levels.
  • 5 Adjustable scanning: size, height,width ratio.
  • 19 DOT dwell times.
  • 29 Power levels.
  • 38 Treatment densities.
  • 1.570.350 Possible combinations.

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