Alcon Centurion Vision System
Centurion carries over the powerful OZIL Phaco Technology from its predecessor (Alcon Infiniti), along with some significant upgrades. Centurion gives the option to use traditional/ longitudinal ultrasonic patterns or OZIL’s patented Torsional ultrasound, or a combination of both at the same time. This is no different from the Infiniti. However, Centurion introduced the INTREPID Balanced Tip to the market (which is only available with Centurion). The Balanced Tip offers more effective cutting, with less movement at the incision. This has proven to be highly efficient in emulsifying dense cataracts using less power output.
The ALCON CENTURION Vision system is indicated for emulsification, separation, irrigation, and aspiration of cataracts, residual cortical material and lens epithelial cells, vitreous aspiration and cutting associated with anterior vitrectomy, bipolar coagulation, and intraocular lens injection.
Alcon Centurion Related products
– Ozil handles
– Autosert IOL injector
– Balanced tips
– B.S.S bags
– Probes for anterior segment vitrectomy
– A wide range of accessories ,including I/A handles I/A, Tips and Sleeves
Active Fluidics Technology
An automated system that optimizes anterior chamber stability by allowing surgeons to proactively set and maintain target intraocular pressure (IOP) within the eye during the cataract removal procedure. This provides enhanced IOP control during the procedure in comparison to gravity fluidics and fixed pressure irrigation; reduces surges due to occlusion breaks; increases IOP efficiency at lower, more natural settings; and eliminates the need to manually adjust fluid pressure.
Alcon Centurion Vision System Machine Handpiece
Alcon introduced new phaco technology that is part of the Centurion Vision System, including the Active Sentry Handpiece and Intrepid Hybrid